This simple help file is to let you know of some of the game functions. GENERAL............... You start with 30 hit points, 40 turns a day and 300 in gold. Many of the functions are similar to L.O.R.D., the excellent DOS game. You can send mail to other Players and/or chat with online players. You may challenge other players or bums in the "Arena". This feature will be more interesting when more phone lines are added. There are of course several ways to get or lose either HP's or experience, such as tipping in the bar or being rude when ordering drinks. You may "Bribe" the Inn Keeper for keys to rooms and there are a few more I will let you find for yourself. So just browse the differant areas and see what you can find. Good luck and Happy Hunting! BATTLE.................. When in battle, if you're getting your butt kicked try to flee. It doesn't always save you but it is better than being DEAD. You can try to beg or bribe your advisary. If you survive use the "Sleep" option to refresh your charactor. This will subtract from your "Turns" amount but is cheaper than using the "Healers". ****Warning*** You "may" be attacked when resting. WEAPONS................. There are MANY weapons and forms of Armor available in the game. They are of course denpendant on your finacial status. Buy a weapon at the first opportunity and add a simple shield when you have another 210 gold to spend. BANK................... Keep a few coins for buying drinks, rooms, bribes etc. Any gold you don't need should be banked. The bank is in the "Shop" area. The current rate of interest is %5. LEVELS................. The Higest Level at present is level 10. I will check into adding higher levels when players begin to become accustomed to the game. Cheats................. This is a .dll system function and there are no cheats at this time. There are however manys ways to HELP yourself. OPINIONS............... Like L.O.R.D, I beleive that some form of plugin add-ons will be available in the future. I'm sure the game will generate enough interest to provide for third party programers. If you have any comments or suggestions for the game, please E-Mail the SysOp. I will convey your thoughts to Tri Lance software, who knows, you may start a small industry all by yourself ;-}